Select your ticket(s). If you have any questions, please contact us.
Ticket Name | Price | Quantity | Total | Total % | |
| Single Player Includes golf and lunch |
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| Foursome (Team of 4) Ticket Capacity: 4 attendees Includes golf and lunch for (4) |
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| Luncheon Reception Gives you access to the lunch reception only. Includes lunch. No golf. |
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| Tee Sign Sponsor Your logo on a sign |
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| Vendor Hole Booth Sponsor Promote your business with a table-top near one of the holes. |
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| Event Sponsor Includes foursome, lunch for (4), vendor table, logo on banner and half-page ad in program. |
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| Luncheon Reception Sponsor Includes foursome, lunch for (4), vendor table, logo on banner, full-page ad in program, marketing table in reception area, and 5 minute podium time. |
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| Program Advertisement (Business Card Size) Artwork due on or before February 14th. |
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| Program Advertisement (Half Page) Artwork due on or before February 14th. |
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| Program Advertisement (Full Page) Artwork due on or before February 14. |
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| Helicopter Drop Sponsor Includes: 3 minutes of podium time during lunch reception, foursome, lunch for (4), vendor table, logo on banner and half-page ad in program. |
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0 more ticket(s) are available for purchase with US Dollar. Switch to US Dollar |
Total Due:$ 0