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The impacts of COVID-19 have been unprecedented and have already shifted much of society's behaviors and expectations. Many argue that the current climate is just society's new normal and one of these shifts is— what the future of the office will look like? Among many employers, a telecommuting option no longer became an option but a requirement in order to quickly safeguard employees from the potential spread of the virus. Now, with the new world of work how will the future of the office be reimagined?

Some of the questions that continue to stay top of mind include:

The open space work concept

  • To stay or not to stay?

How has telecommuting impacted worker performance?

Are employers more inclined to have workers telecommute long after the pandemic?

What will the shifts in office space trend towards?

  • Higher walls?
  • Less shared space?
  • Less open space and collaborative areas?

Tune in for the next webinar as we host a panel of esteemed speakers to discuss what the future of the office will look like.


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