TWO Events, ONE Location!
We are a community driven group of women who care about manufacturing!
The Inland Empire consists of 52 Incorporated Cities! Many silos… Many "good-ol'BOY" cliques! We have LOTS of under-represented offerings and opportunities and this group was created to remove silos and bust down stereotypes to allow collaboration and involvement.
If you are an Inland Empire Woman involved in the manufacturing industry or you are interested in a
career path into a good paying local manufacturing position, COME TO OUR LUNCHEON EVENT! It's FREE with registration.
Any time women come together with a collective intention, it's a powerful thing. Whether it's sitting down making a quilt, in a kitchen preparing a meal, in a club reading the same book, around the table playing cards or planning a birthday party, when women come together with a collective intention, MAGIC HAPPENS! (-Ms. P. Rashad)
Women continue to be under-represented in manufacturing at all levels. Our vision is to unify and diversify the Inland Empire workforce by supporting, empowering, and inspiring the women in this great region.
NO MEMBERSHIPS, NO FEES! "Givers" that support our mission and vision make this all possible. We are a community driven group!
Technology advancements continue to rapidly transform the way we make things today! Our makers are WOMEN, and we are WOMEN preparing the next generation of makers and technologists. TOGETHER, we make magic happen!
The Inland Empire Women in Manufacturing (IEwim) "movement" matured through a collaboration of local manufacturers that came together to share information, resources, and manufacturing industry needs. The Mayors Manufacturer Council was formed and facilitated by Mayor Acquanetta Warren, Fontana, California, and graciously hosted and coordinated by the Fontana Chamber of Commerce, on November 8th, 2017
We discussed the nonsensical stigma that a skilled laborer is somehow doomed to be less successful than someone with a college degree. It's just not true!
The manufacturing industry is not the same dirty, greasy, testosterone driven career path that our grandfathers once filled, yet it continues to have that reputation.
Women are largely underrepresented in the manufacturing industry – at all levels, and that has to change! The councils view was that of inspiration to the female population. Let's get women into those skilled labor positions! It's not that women can't do it; any CEO will tell you that. It is the public perception of women pursuing a manufacturing career that needs to be modified.
Beyond the gender indifference of this industry, our great region in is broken into 52 incorporated cities… many of those cities have fabulous programs to help the manufacturing industry thrive and succeed, yet resources are NOT shared and discussed. Why? Where do we do this? Unity had to be brought to this region, and it was clear from that gathering a movement was needed!!
This region is filled with support and "silo'ed" offerings! We have multiple apprenticeship programs… incumbent worker assistance offerings… international manufacturing "MADE IN THE USA" growth opportunities… vocational schools with certification classes… State funded Training Assistance Programs… multiple manufacturing grant opportunities and resources that must be shared #TogetherWeWin
We support and encourage the women makers in this region! We ARE breaking down stereotypes! Get involved – inspire the next-generation – mentor – evolve – share our dream! |
<11:15-12:45 – Lunch Buffet Open>
Event concludes at 3:00 pm.
Job Fair will take place on the 1st Floor
Registration is required for entry.
Are you an employer looking to hire employees? This is the event for you. Direct to hire only. No staffing agencies. Employers will be required to fill out an additional form which will be emailed to you after registration.
Non manufacturer or Non direct to hire agencies must register here. There will be a $100 fee for your vendor booth.
Video Clip From Our 2018 Inaugural Event